
Sustainable and responsible corporate governance

Tradition, quality, sustainability and social responsibility characterize our corporate activities and form the basis of our success. Conscious and ethically correct behavior towards employees, colleagues, business partners, society, the environment and the next generation is a fundamental part of our value system. The minimum is compliance with the law in all countries and markets in which we are represented. In the same way, each individual is required to behave responsibly, fairly and in accordance with the rules. As a partner of renowned manufacturers, we are also subject to a wide range of legal regulations and high individual requirements of individual companies and associations. It is part of our self-image to comply with the existing regulations and to take responsibility for our actions. Environmental, climate and resource protection are also clear expectations that we place on ourselves and our entire supply chain.

All these and other principles are set out in the "Code of Conduct" of the German Textile and Fashion Industry Association, to which we are clearly committed and thus live up to our responsibility towards all parties (/ The Code of Conduct is based on the internationally recognized principles for the protection of human and labour rights, as expressed in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO core labour standards, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The Code is also based on relevant international agreements on environmental protection. As a company in the textile industry, we support the goal of enforcing human rights, labor, social and environmental standards in economic value creation processes. By aligning our operational activities with these principles of international law, we can make a corresponding contribution to this.


Find out more details in our sustainability report

Global goals

The EU's Global Goals for Sustainable Development

Our benchmark

17 Global Goals

We are guided by the United Nations' 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development:

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Single-variety plastics - a valuable resource

70% of the textiles in our collection are single-origin, i.e. made from 100% polyester and are therefore easily recyclable. These single-origin polyester fabrics are a particularly valuable resource and can be reused using various recycling methods.
This conserves resources and the environment because less polyester has to be newly produced and less valuable material has to be disposed of.
If our polyester fabrics no longer meet your visual and functional requirements after use, we would like to ensure that they are available for other applications for a long time to come.
So we work with you to responsibly solve the disposal problem and return the used textiles to an economically viable cycle. The fabrics are reprocessed as felt materials for the automotive and construction industries, where they can be used for many decades to come.

ReTurn - Learn more

Delius RE USE
Delius 100 Wool
Delius CO2reducing
CO2 reducing
Delius Energy Efficient
Delius REACH Compliant
REACH Complient
Delius Recyclable
Delius Recycled

No use of PFAS chemicals

In order to supply flame-retardant textiles with high functionality, the use of chemicals is often indispensable. We make every effort to ensure that our fabrics do not harm the environment.

PFAS chemicals are perfluorinated and polyfluorinated alkyl substances that are particularly heat-resistant, water-, oil- and dirt-repellent.  They were previously indispensable in the use of stain protection finishes. According to the latest findings, PFAS substances are classified as harmful to the environment as they are virtually indestructible and spread quickly in the environment. We will therefore gradually replace these substances with modern, less environmentally harmful equipment.

An environmentally friendly alternative to PFAS substances are DWR (durable water repellent) coatings, which use peroxide, dendrimene, polyurethane or silicones, for example. These have a water and dirt-repellent effect and are much more environmentally friendly while retaining the same functionality.



Combining entrepreneurial activity with ethical principles is one of the key factors of long-term success for DELIUS GmbH & Co. KG and has a long tradition. We are convinced that ethical and economic values are interdependent and that the business world must strive to treat each other fairly and act within the framework of the prescribed standards. In our DELIUS GmbH & Co. KG Code of Conduct, we have summarized binding rules of conduct that we expect our employees to adhere to. For us, it goes without saying that all employees must comply with the laws and regulations and fulfill their obligations in a reliable manner. They must demonstrate honesty and fairness in all aspects of their business activities.

We also expect our partners to recognize their social responsibility towards their own company, towards customers, suppliers and other business partners, towards the environment and towards society. This Code of Conduct sets out minimum standards that we expect our customers, suppliers and other contractual partners to comply with as a minimum.

Our code of conduct in detail


Supply Chain Due Diligence Act

The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) for companies was passed in June 2021 and came into force in Germany on January 1, 2023. It defines the obligations of companies when it comes to protecting fundamental human rights and shows companies how they must comply with these in their supply chains.

Delius is clearly committed to respecting human rights. In the event of possible violations of these rights, you are welcome to contact us at any time via our reporting channel using the email address [email protected].

info Ecolabel
Die Vergabe des Ecolabels erfolgt an Produkte und Dienstleistungen, die geringere Umweltauswirkungen haben als vergleichbare Produkte. Mit dem EU Ecolabel soll der Verbraucher die Möglichkeit haben, umweltfreundlichere und gesündere Produkte und Dienstleistungen identifizieren zu können.
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info Ökotex
OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 ist ein weltweit einheitliches, unabhängiges Prüf- und Zertifizierungssystem für textile Roh-, Zwischen- und Fertigprodukte aller Verarbeitungsstufen sowie deren Zubehör. Die STANDARD 100 Zertifizierung unterstützt Unternehmen in der textilen Kette gezielt bei der humanökologischen Produktsicherheit, basierend auf einem wissenschaftlichen Kriterienkatalog und neutralen Labortests. Für Verbraucher und Einkäufer ist das STANDARD 100 Produktlabel ein verlässlicher Nachweis, dass Textilprodukte nach strengen globalen Standards zum Schutz vor Schadstoffen geprüft sind.
info ISO 9001
ISO 9001 is an international standard for quality management. It specifies the requirements that a company must fulfil in order to establish and maintain an effective quality management system.
Die ISO 9001 ist eine internationale Norm für das Qualitätsmanagement. Sie legt die Anforderungen fest, die ein Unternehmen erfüllen muss, um ein wirksames Qualitätsmanagementsystem zu etablieren und aufrechtzuerhalten.
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info Supply chain management
Der AEO-Status ist ein international anerkanntes Gütesiegel, das die entsprechenden Unternehmen im internationalen Handel als „zuverlässig“ im internationalen Lieferkettenmanagement ausweist. Ziel ist eine Absicherung der durchgängigen internationalen Lieferkette vom Hersteller bis zum Endverbraucher.
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